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Whitesnake | Ice Palace | Tampa, FL | August 18,2003 |


(W/Warrant, Slaughter, & Kip Winger)

It has been at least 10 years since I've last seen Whitesnake, 

so I was really excited about this set..

But I wasn't sure how David Coverdale's voice had held up through the years.. 

Well he's is still in perfect form.. The show was AWESOME.. hit after hit after hit.. everything from "Crying in the Rain" to "Judgment Day" all the well knows, "Still of the Night", "Here I Go Again" "Is this Love" ..and the crowd was into from beginning to end.. His new band line-up was one of the best yet.. Reb from Winger, Doug from Dio, Marco from Blue Murder.. and Tommy still on drums after all these years. Don't miss this great come back of one of the best bands of their era!

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