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Robert Sweet | Stryper | November 2000 |


This months interview has been in the works for almost a year.... but things never worked out,but after all the's finally here..Robert Freakin' Sweet! I used to play drums..and he was one of my one looked as cool as Robert back there slammin away, he made sure he wasnt "just the drummer stuck in the back" Anyway..Robert has never stopped playing, even after Stryper broke here he is to tell his story...


J-Ok..first off going backwards, how did you get into Stryper?

Robert: I started Stryper back in 1983 along with my brother, Michael Sweet.


J-How long were you guys together before you got signed?

Robert: As Stryper, we were together about six months before being signed.


J-What's the biggest crowd you ever played for?and where?

Robert:  30,000 at Disneyworld in Florida in 1988.


J-What's the craziest thing a fan has ever done to meet you?

Robert: I had a girl hiding in my shower one night when I got home.  It startled me, even thought I knew her as a girl who had come to many concerts.


J-What was your favorite tour you guys did.any good road stories? 

Robert: My favorite tour was the In God We Trust tour and I've experienced a lot of good road stories and one of the craziest of those happened in Australia on the In God We Trust Tour. 4,000 people showed up at a record signing, broke the plate glass window of the store and it was an absolute mob scene.  We were taken away in a paddy wagon, even thought we were innocent, for

inciting a riot. How wonderful touring can be!


J-What would you say is your favorite recording you have done..either w/Stryper..or solo?

Robert: Musically, with Stryper, it would be Against The Law, lyrically with Stryper it would To Hell With The Devil.


J-I know you guys have always been a really religious band, did that ever scare off the groupies? Or did they try with you anyway?

Robert: I wouldn't really say we were a religious band, we were a rock band who were Christians.  No, that did not scare off any of the girls


J-Did everyone in the band get along?

Robert:  I would say we got along better than most bands, as all bands have times of disagreement, which is totally normal!


J-How important was the look back then in the "hair days" of the 80's?

Robert:  I feel that looks are extremely important and always will be.


J-Do you ever look back at the pictures and think "what was I thinking"?

Robert:  Well, of course, I think everybody does.  Everyone, no matter who you are takes good and bad photos. There are some that I am very proud of and others I don't ever want to look at again.


J-You guys did a reunion show at the Stryper did that go, was it just like old times?

Robert:  In one sense, yes.  We hadn't played together for (8) years and we got up and did it just like we had never stopped.  I had a wonderful time!


J-Now there is going to be a full blown 90 minute reunion set December 16th in Costa Rica..any chance of a new cd release?

Robert: I would have to say that I hope so!  I think a new Stryper record is long overdue!


J-What led to the break up of the band after "Against the Law" album?(by the way..thats my favorite album)

Robert:  Thank you, Michael left the band in 1992 to pursue a solo career. 


J-After the break-up what did you do? And side projects..guest appearances..etc?

Robert:  I took some time off and then I began to play on other people's projects, about 25 projects in all.  I also went on tour with a few bands.


J-Now onto the present..You have finished your first solo would you describe the music to someone who hasn't heard it yet?(and I have this also..and love it)

Robert:  Thank you so much, you are so sweet!  As far as describing it goes,

I would say it is nothing like a Stryper record, many people have asked me

before hearing "Love Trash" if it sounds like Stryper, it doesn't.  As far as describing my style, I would just have to say it's me!


J-Who plays on it? And who wrote the music?

Robert:  I wrote all the songs, I produced it, I played all of the

instruments and had a friend of mine, Larry Worley, take over on the vocals.


J-Where do you get your ideas for writing?

Robert: A lot of my inspiration is biblical in nature and a lot of it is based on real life experiences.


J-Will you tour with this album?

Robert:  I would like to, we'll see what happens in the future. 


J-Is there any new bands your into..that are out right now?

Robert: A couple of my favorites are Creed and POD.


J-What do you think of the internet and how its taking over the world?

Robert: I think it is pretty amazing, can't imagine us without it. How did we get by before having it?


J-How do you feel about getting free downloads on Napstar?

Robert:  I would have to say that I think Metallica is right.  It does cheat the artist

and if the artist can't make any money, then how could future recordings come about?


J-Do you have a website? Can the fans get your new cd there?

Robert: Yes, I do and yes, they can.  Go to , you'll find all you need to know.


J-Do you receive a lot of email..and do you write them back?

Robert:  I do receive a lot of mail and I try my very best to answer back what I can.  I must admit it's pretty hard though, to not fall behind..


J-What would you like to say to all your fans out there that are reading this?

Robert:  I would like to thank everyone for all of the support and a special thanks to everyone who has purchased "Love Trash" and has shown an interest in what I am currently involved in. Without the friends who are called fans, there would be no bands!


J-Well thats about it Robert..hope it wasnt to painful....thanks again! and good luck with all you do!

Robert: Thank you and I'll talk to you soon!



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