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Ratt | Jannus Landing | St.Pete, FL | August 26, 2000 |


(W/Warrant & Bar 7)

The next nights show was just as good! The weather sucked! it rained ..but this time it was an outdoor it really sucked.. but if you were close to the stage.. it didnt get you..anyway..

this time we got to see Bar 7..and they were great.. wish they could have played longer....

then on came Warrant.. which it was their last night on the they were really partying! 

they put on a great show too..lots of oldies..and lots of newer stuff which is cool with me.... 

Then came the Ratt boys! they played mostly the same set..but added "Over the Edge" this time...

After the show the guys came out and signed stuff for people..and Bobby invited us on the bus till they had to leave.. all in always..we were treated great! When I was 13..if someone would have told me 

I would be hanging out with my favorite band..15 years later..I would have laughed my ass off! 

This week is my birthday..and I cant think of a better way to have spent it! 

Thanks guys for a great time..and we will be out to see more soon!..

and for all you doubting fans..give it a chance.. its better then no Ratt at all..


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