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Matt Kramer | Saigon Kick | Coma | March 2003 |


I've been a fan of Saigon Kick's since just about day one.. 
they used to play here in the Tampa Bay area ALLOT.. cause of being from Miami..
They always put on a killer.. high energy show..
I was glad to have found Matt online.. and happy to see he is still pounding away at the music..
And is such a perfectionist about his music.. The c.d. is raw and eclectic music! So check it out!
And now I give you.. Matt Kramer....


J- First I'm going back to the Saigon Kick days.. if that's ok..

M- Absolutely..


J- How did you hook up with those guys?

M- Umm.. I hooked up w/Jason, through a gig he was trying out for.. and he didn't get.. and funny enough they put us both together to get them out of there hair.. so we ended up doing something better then they did actually.. strange enough... and Jason new Phil.. Tom.. was  pretty much the only bass player that had any drive in this town.. so he was our only choice.. unfortunately.. haha.. no...


J- How long were you together before you got signed..?

M- About a year and a half..


J- I remember going to the big rock shows.. and all I would see is Saigon kick shirts on the roadies.. etc.. it was the neatest thing you guys had such an underground following it seemed like to me.. then next thing you know you guys explode..

M- Ya.. unfortunately we couldn't keep the edge we had as an underground band.. unfortunately Atlantic really pushed all of our really poppy stuff.. and it just gave a really bad impression of the band.. to the people that really didn't get the rock band.. they got.. the love song band.. with "Love Is On The Way"..


J- You guys were kinda clumped into the hair band era.. but were not really a hair band.. how important was the look back then..?

M- Well ya know.. still to this day I have long hair.. I'm not going to cut my hair just cause Chris Cornell cut his hair.. it's all cool.. everybody can do what they want.. I'm kinda the kid that grew up in the 70's.. it was not a fashion statement.. it was more of an anti statement to have long hair.. and we couldn't have jobs.. that's what it turned into.. then by the time we got the deal.. and "Love is On the Way".. and then these nice pretty songs started getting pushed as singles.. it really really, just clumped us in w/bands that had love ballads at the time.. and even though we came out in 91' w/our first record... we are a hair band from the 80's ..which is fine.. 5 years ago.. it really sucked.. cause you were attached to that stigma, and you couldn't get away from it.. and now its almost a good thing.. now its cool thing to get  your old.. well hopefully not your old clothes out....hahaha.. but hopefully your old records out, and ya know the music did really stand up.. there were a couple "too" polished records that came out at that time.. but I don't think we were one of them, and it gets us brought back.. so its cool with me..


J- How did you come up with the name Saigon Kick..?

M- Ya know it was really a stupid thing.. we always said we were watching a bunch of Vietnam movies.. and someone said .."What is Hollywood on some Saigon kick?"... but it wasn't true.. what we did was basically.. I think it was Jason and his girlfriend came in.. after hearing a Cult song.. and the lyrics were Saigon kiss.. and funny enough Phil misheard it as Saigon Kick.. and that complete mistake turned into the name of the band.. not that exciting is it?..


J- Haha..well I didn't know where it came from.. I'm sitting here thinking all kinds of things..
Ok who was the main songwriter?

M- Well in the beginning it was very much me and Jason,. and near the end Jason was really pushing me out.. trying to do his own thing and basically ruin Saigon Kick by excluding everybody out of songwriting.. being a bully pretty much, well not being a bully.. just being an ego maniac..


J- And how did everyone get along?

M- Terribly.... it was the biggest fighting band you have ever seen in your life.. it was just brutal..
That band was a great boot camp, and I hope everyone goes on and does great things.. but the dishonesty in the band.. and the management. and the certain band members wanting to drop there names and pick up a symbol and become Prince.. that really hurt the band.. and money was really distributed unfairly..and that caused allot of animosity in the band........between everybody.. wow.. you've got the truthful ones..


J- Haha.. ya I like to dig for the good stuff.. I don't wanna know who your influences here.. I wanna know the good stuff..haha..
What's the biggest crowd you have ever played for and where?

M- I don't know... we've played some big crowds.. we played a couple big crowds in Tampa..


J- ya Livestock.. I was there..

M- Ya Livestock.. we played really great festivals in Germany.. in Holland on this one really great run we did w/Extreme.. umm.. probably close to 100,000 in Europe..


J- What's the craziest thing a fan has done to meet you?

M- Hahaha.. writing a story about us.. me being a zebra..hahaha.. that's when I run.. no.. to meet me? ummm... I don't know.. I don't think anything too crazy, or its been so long.. I can't remember.. I do remember a little Japanese girl screaming to come home with me on the plane in Tokyo though.. didn't happen though...


J- What was your favorite Saigon Kick song..or songs?

M- Ummm....I don't know.. I always liked "New World" "Coming Home" "Whatta Ya Do" "Ugly"..ya


J- How about least favorite..or just didn't like the way it turned out?

M- Ohh there is allot of least favorites.. haha...  "Feel the Same Way" "Love Is On the Way"


J- Is it because you were sick of them.. or you just didn't like them..?

M- It was because ..basically if you look at Saigon Kick.. when I was in it.. the first record.. and the second record.. those songs were written before we had a deal.. and a few songs.. that I mentioned.. and a few more, were just written, out of context.. and they fit.. because the band was a great band... we pulled it off.. but basically, we completely alienated ourselves and fans..and everything else with those songs.. they never should have happened.. and once again, it was ego... haha..


J- Then what led you to leaving the band..?

M- Ummm.. Jason's new song writing style being pushed down my throat and me basically being made to sing 10 love ballads, without the option to write a song on the record.. and basically I was getting strong armed into singing a new record w/10 ballads on it.. and completely ruining my career.. everybody else's career.. I just bowed out.. the band thought they could do it without me and unfortunately I had to prove a big point and show them they couldn't.. that and I think Jason always wanted to be a singer anyway.. but he should have done his own band, and just gotten it over with.. cause he ruined a really good band..


J- Do you still talk to him..

M- Ahh NO.. maybe in court ill talk to Jason but never  ever.. ever will I talk to that guy.. I've never been screwed over so much in my life Stepphenwolf never got it as bad as I got it from Saigon Kick.. haha.. and it was Jason and the manager.. so when it comes down to it.. no..




J- Well my next question was.. you got back together for a small tour w/Tom and Phil...and I wanted to know if there was any chance of a full reunion..hahaha.. but I guess not.. haha..

M -No.. ya know.. Tom kinda put down his bass.. so there was allot of friction on the road w/Tom..


J- But it was Tom, Phil and you.. and wasn't it Blando.. from Slaughter?

M- Yes.. we got Blando on guitar exactly..
but ya know it was a great cool thing.. cause Blando handled the parts great..


J- Ya he's amazing..

M- Ya he played his ass off.. and when it came down to it.. Tom just didn't want to do it.. he was a misuse at that time.. and a physical therapist.. and when it came down to it his bass playing was really not up to par... and he was pretty much bossing everyone else around.. he pretty much lost track with the fact he was pretty lucky to be out there the first time.. much less 10 years later..


J- Now onto the solo album.. have you always wanted to do a solo album?

M- Uhh ya know what... this record.. yes I always wanted to do a solo record.. did I think it was going to be this one.. no.. I always wanted to do a band record.. and if you noticed.. it kinda sounds like a band.. I just basically had to hold the rains in do it myself because in a band situation I'm a pretty laid back guy.. or I'm an animal.. and the nice guy gets walked on.. and the animal comes up and bites the foot off that stepped on it.. and the band thing just doesn't work out.. ya know.. truthfully, I believe my 15yr. dream band.. was Saigon Kick.. and I really don't think I'll see that again.. that was the special one relationship you have in your life.. just one.. and that was my one special band.. and there might be another one..  but I think at this point its all about finding the right thing in players.. and not pushing them down.. but actually push them up and not let them sound like hired guys.. but  make them sound like a band.. I try and let the guys have allot of room.. on the record to breathe.. and I got some pretty big monsters playing.. so.. I wanted them to play..


J- Right... how long have you been working on the album?

M- Umm.. I started writing it when I left Saigon Kick.


J- Did you do other side projects after Saigon..?

M- Ya I did a record called Coma.. which actually never came out.. I have this ultra fear which shoots myself in the foot every time..  but I  have a big big criteria that I have to meet, to call something a record.. and allot of people don't share that.. allot of people will put out anything.. and ask you to buy it..5 different ways.. 5 different times.. and your getting the same piece of crap..


J- Is Coma the name of the band? or the release?

M- The band..


J- And didn't it have Harry Cody in the band..

M- Ya..ya..


J- See I do my homework... hahaha..
Its just so cool, cause I'm fans of all these bands, and its cool to see things go full circle and different people play w/different bands.. I was a big Shotgun Messiah fan..

M- I agree.. that's a cool thing about going solo.. if somebody doesn't cut the job.. you've got another buddy right down the road and it probably is his thing.. it was beautiful.. I had Jonathon Mover to play drums.. who is one of my best buds.. and he's one of the most amazing drummers on earth.. he's played on Fuel records.. Satrani.. Aretha Franklin.. and ya know having that as a base.. was a real amazing thing.. I always had that criteria to live up to when it came to putting on the guitars the vocals.. I didn't want it to be rough.. but I wanted it to be a players record..


J- Did you work w/George Lynch too?

M- George had a band called Stonehouse.. and it was a little too weird and eclectic for George.. haha truthfully... it started out being really good.. and when he kinda looked at me like I was Oni ..and said we can do this.. and you can me my Robert Plant.. and I can  be the Jimmy Page.. and I said George I don't think this project is calling for that.. maybe we can talk about that project.. but the Stonehouse stuff was very machine oriented.. really different stuff.. we had a programmer instead of a drummer, just completely different stuff then you would expect from me and George Lynch.. and by the time I put the vocals on the stuff.. I think it just took a left field.. and brought it into the stands.. haha.. I loved it.. but he just didn't get it.. he's a little more straight forward rock..


J- Was it released...

M- Umm.. yes George released it..


J- Ya I thought I saw it on his website..
ok.. where do you get your ideas for your songs?

M- Life.. I'd say. Life and my reflection.. that's it..its as simple as that...and my sarcasm.. everything else it filters through..I try and keep it that simple..


J- How would you describe this new cd to someone who hasn't heard it.. or compared to Saigon Kick.

M- I'd say its really really early 70's ...T-Rexish, Bowie.. influenced .. Cure influenced ..hard rock.. cause I'm going out there with those bands, but then I bring it back in and make it allot heavier.. and I didn't for verbatim go out and rip off Bowie. or rip off T-rex.. I want the essence of it.. and I wanted the essence of "All the Young Dudes".. and the Cure... all these great bands that were rock.. with a little more of a unique style.. growing up in Miami is quiet the melting pot.. so we really get exposed to some wacky shit here.. and it comes out, and its really obvious in my writing.. that I really pull from many different influences, and I try and make them work with me.


J- Where can you get the c.d..?

M- of now, I'm really holding the reins on this one.. trying not to get any bad releases.. or half pushes, it will be slow.. it will be hard, but at least I know nobody will drop the ball on me this time.. its such an important record for me this time.. this is my first record in 10 years.. I came back financing it.. engineering it.. producing it.. and I just really want to hold the reins till I get the right manager, for once in my life who knows what to do with me, and if the right record company comes along.. great. But my site has been getting quiet a bit of hits lately.. unfortunately I'm not getting the sales that I'm looking for now...


J- Well to tell you the truth I do allot of internet stuff all day, this is all I do.. and I see allot of sites..etc, and I really haven't seen your c.d. out there till lately... so I think this will help allot and hopefully sell more, cause my site is basically a "where are they now".. so now people will know what your up to..

M- Great site by the way...



J- Thank you! .. well now people will come and see where Matt Kramer is.. and what he has been up to.. cause I really don't see much exposure of the c.d. yet.. but it should start growing.. cause its a great album..

M- Well thank you.. ya it just came out September. 11.. so it's been out since then.. but in January.. I got my first review.. so now its just catching on.. and Australia is really hitting on the site for some reason.. and your one of the first reviews on the record.. you were really early on it.. but the good thing about the websites is they are really up to date.. even the magazines go there.. cause they are so far behind.. but its strange l've never hit the press on this level, and been able to give the real organic foundation fan base enough of my time... and understood it.. so its really a blessing in disguise, that it happened like this.. cause ya know when your doing the cappuccino thing on the 25th floor.. and ordering breakfast up.. and your a little brat. and your peeing out the windows...  just trying to raise an eyebrow..  you really loose track. especially in the Saigon days.. as soon as we hit Atlantic Records we forgot that a month before we were in a crack town, warehouse.. rehearsing 7 days a week, trying to not get our gear ripped off.. and get mugged on our way out of rehearsal.. I think its the best thing that could have happened.. its been tough, but its all good...


J- How about any touring plans..

M- I'm hoping to go out in March.. I'm really trying to bug Skid Row to take me right now actually..


J- Wow..that would be really cool.

M- Ya Phil is in Skid Row.. and I've been friends w/the guys for soo long .. and they linked me up to there site.. and it doubled my hits. its unbelievable.. I forgot how big that band is.. so I'm gonna try to do at least a couple weeks w/these guys.. and the whole Saigon thing.. at least helps me get my foot in the door.. I'm not much of a pull right now.. and unfortunately I've got myself into a situation.. that my band... has to be the band that played on my record... I don't always think ill get Jonathan Mover.. but I know he wants to do a few weeks.. its just gonna be pretty expensive...


J- How do you feel about music downloading..and MP3's?

M- Ummm.. I have mixed feelings on that.. to tell you the truth, on a big level.. I think you have to deal with it.. uum on an immediate level it kinda sucks people are not paying for your stuff..but, I've been ripped off from record companies to the point... believe it or not.. want to hear something about our wonderful music industry that it crying broke.. I sold 1 million records... some the Lizard.. some the first record we sold over half a million singles.. do you know how much I got in record realties? ok.. look at 12 bucks a cd.. you sell 1 million records.. 12 million went in somewhere.. I got nothing.


J- Nothing....?

M- Nothing... I got nothing... not even an I.O.U... nothing.. not a dime... not anything ever.. why would I be worried.. generating 12 million dollars in revenue.. and not making a dime, when some kid on Kazza is downloading the record.. cause in all honesty.. if he likes the record.. he'll come to the show.. and buy a shirt and ill make money that way.. hahaha.. that's how I feel about it, I think it hit corporate America in the groin  and I'm fuckin happy..hahaha....


J- What's your plans for the rest of 2003?

M- I hope to just get everywhere.. get on the road..and get this record heard.. I have allot of ground to make up.. no doubt about that.. and live its a powerhouse.. we brought it all out for the record release party.. and it was great. the band was a bunch of monsters.. we rehearsed for 3 days.. and bam it was done. so if we got 2 weeks out there it would be devastating.. but that's pretty much it for 2003.. War and Peas..


J- Ok..what would you like to say to your fans reading this?

M- Go to the website..and pick up a copy...


J- you can start making some of the 12 million dollars back..hahah..

M- Right... haha.. that's true.. that's not making exaggerations.. its amazing.. you think all that stopped in the 50's it didn't.. I love hearing people say.. I'm not getting my money.. while I'm saying.. your not gonna get your shut up.. sell 20 million records..then you'll get your money..  but that's cause they need you.. and that's it.. and how many bands actually sell 1 million records. so nobody is making record royalties.. your making t-shirts.. and this and that.. so when it comes down to it.. as long as you have fans out there..thats what makes you strong. and I think you know that...


J- Yep... I do.. Thanks allot Matt..

M-Thank you....


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