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Daniel MacMaster | Bonham | Scorcher | November 2003 |


This was a great interview with a very talented, and passionate singer..

You may all remember the band Bonham.. Well...  Singer Daniel MacMaster is back,

With a new c.d. planned and a tour W/Stephen Pearcy,

this next year is full of new and exciting plans..

And here he is to tell you about it:


J- First of all how did you hook up with the guys in Bonham?

D - In Bonham?.. well lets see.. that was a while back I have to think.. I was working with a band called Scorcher and we had material they was being played here on the radio here in Canada, and the D.J. at the time, his name was Chris Michaels.. was playing our stuff.. and he some how got in touch w/Brian Howe from Bad Company, and he called me up and suggested that Jason (Bonham) was doing this project in the states, and was over from England  with a couple of the guys..who were John and Ian.. he suggested that I get involved, so that's sort of how I heard what they were up to..  and the management at that time was Phil Carson, and he came out to a show we were doing.. recorded some of it.. and after the show we listened to some of the material they were working on at the time and it was pretty cut and dry.. so I went out, and we wrote one of the song the first day "Don't Walk Away" which is one the first album, it was like a rehearsal kind of thing.. but that's how we started really.


J - How long were you together before you got signed?

D - In Bonham? ell Jason already had the deal from the get go.. he finished the Atlantic 40th..which was a Zeppelin thing.. then was approached by Jerry Greenberg, who in turn offered him a record deal.. so that was on the table before I even got there, they were even rehearsing w/another singer at the time.. it was just in the making.. or in the works..


J - What was your favorite tour w/Bonham..

D - I would problem say the Cult tour, was probably the most influencal as far as what I've learned.. and Metallica in Europe, Metallica was great..there is so many.. that's a hard question, there is a lot of talent out there.. we toured with a lot of artists, and it sort of a different thing, everything is a new learning curve.. I think just the traveling, and bringing the music to different parts of the world.. but I would say I had a lot of fond memories from the Cult tour.. we did the Alpine Valley Music Festival.. was great cause it had a lot of acts like Motley Crue, and any event where a lot of bands get together.. you get to meet a lot of people, that are sort of doing the same thing, and writing music, like you are..


J- Did you ever get to meet any of the bands, or musicians that you really wanted to meet?

D - uhh.. ya Robert Plant was always a big thing for me, cause I always thought the world of him growing up..being involved in music, Ozzy Osbourne.. I was really impressed w/Ronnie James Dio.. when I met him.. two people that really come to mind for me is Alice cooper and Ronnie James dio because they are very friendly and open, they really make you feel like somebody, very kid, very giving.. ozzy is the same..


J - How important was the look back then..?

D - The look?


J - Ya like the hair bands.. and how important it was to look a certain way?

D - Oh ya.. I guess that was a big thing..


J - Do you ever look back at your pictures and think what was I thinking..? But then again, you guys were not really into that, you caught the tail end of the hair days.. you just dressed normal and looked good..

D - Well actually.. the band I was in Scorcher. with the make-up.. spandex, and all that kind of stuff.. there is photos of that kickin around somewhere..and I would probably rather them stay were they are..


J - And now I'm going to have to find some.. (and I did)

D - Well all you'll have to do is contact my brothers.. and they will have the goods.. everything, and will find it pretty amusing..


J - what's the craziest thing a fan has done to meet you..?

D - Well I think.. especially in the us .. how they follow you from show to show..its more amazing then anything, that the interest is there, people are just die-hard fans, I remember one time someone made a cake w/all of us on it.. it was one of the photos out at the time.. and it was to a tee. it was perfect its really something to see the extremes people go to..but I don't know.. I'm trying to think of some of the crazy things.. I guess how some of the people tell stories about getting to the shows, cars breaking down, or the hitch hiked or this or that.. its pretty gratifying to think what people go through for you.. its overwhelming at times..


J - Right.. so what was your favorite recording you have done?

D - still in the past?

Oh ya we are still in the Bonham thing.. well I liked "Just Another Day" it was a really good song live, and found that out after we recorded it, that it had that live sort of thing about it...but not till we did it live... did we find out how well it went over.. and a lot f the songs  on the second album, which didn't sell as well.. it wasn't up there.. as far as sales... but I really enjoyed that album, it was more us.. more music related, and where we were going as artists. made in England, middle of nowhere, wrote the album in Spain... I'd say my favorite tracks on that one.."The Storm" on that album, but "Just Another Day"..and the obvious ones "Wait for You" and "Guilty" the ones that have videos, that people know.. but I always pick the oddballs.. like "The Storm"..


J - What was your least favorite.. or didn't turn out like you wanted..?

D - The ones that didn't sell...hahaha.. no one I wrote for my mom.. Chimera.. I wanted it to come out better then it did.. I suppose, I really like the song.. but I'm disappointed, I guess its one of those, when its finished, its never really finished. sometimes you beat yourself up as a writer cause your like is done, no, it is, it isn't..  but I would have to say the New York episode, that was when the labels had decided it was time , that was Epic, and they wanted more commercial songs on the album, and that was after we finished. So we had to do 3 more songs, and they turned out all right, but I mean as much as its great the commercial aspect, and being able to cross over on radio.. and to be able to do that is a really cool thing, and I hope to do that through out my carrier..


J - And what led to the break up of the band..

D - The break-up? umm.. we all had our problems, I know me personally going through  things like drugs, alcohol, depression.. I was mortified by the music industry.. it was kind of shattering for me.. after the first album, I didn't want to sing ever again.. and I went into a big.... I hated everything about it.. I hated everything  to do with why it was the way it was, it was like a big organ machine, a meat grinder.. throw it in and spit you out, and I hated that, so it took me some time to come to terms with it.. and the band suffered for it, whatever we were going through, weather it was drinking, drugs..whatever was on the table.. we kinda fell into it, and caused ourselves a lot of grief.. I know with Jason and I, we cause John and Ian a lot of grief.. but I can't really speak for Ian.. cause I really don't know, we never really talked about it, and why has not still playing... I heard that John wasn't for a while...


J - So did everyone in the band get along?

D - Ya.. and a lot of good has come from it.. cause we do still keep in touch..


J - So you do still keep in touch now?

D - Ya.. everyone kind of knows what everyone is up to.. I more ales find out from Ian, cause me and Ian talk quiet a bit, and John if we can find John, but has normally all over the world you never know where he is..


J - Then after the band.. did you do any recording? and side projects?

D - I did an album w/Scorcher, the band I was with initially.. its on the website.. did that in Canada, but its hard here as far as marketing..


J - Ok.. now onto the new stuff.. how would you compare the sound to anything else you have done.. or any past Bonham stuff? is it heavier?

D - New stuff? well I would say defiantly very different.. there is some similarity.. since after doing it so long, it will always be a part of what I do..


J - Ya people will know its you.. you have a unique voice..

D - Ya there is nothing I can do about that, I guess age will make it different I suppose, Ian is going to be playing with me.. and he will be playing on the album, we decided to keep writing together, and I was really happy about that, cause we really work well together.. anyone of us  from Bonham, weather its me and John, or me and Jason, the door is always open .. I think with all of us, it just seems we are always busy.. we try and lock one thing in together, and its very difficult to do, but I'm very fortunate to have Ian be able to play.. and with Jason.. and John are concerned.. it would be great to have them play, but I don't know what there schedule is like.. Jason is working on the Zeppelin remasters right now.. but who knows.. I know right now  Steve Lukather will be playing on the album.. we have always keep in contact over the years, and have always wanted to work together.. and as well my brother Jody MacMaster will be playing guitar.. he plays left handed, sings and does all that kinda stuff.. and we have a close related voice.. and I think its pretty neat to have family on there.. but as far as names out there  that people would know is Ian Hutton, and Steve Lukather.. there is some others that we are trying to see if they are available to write with, but for me.. its just people to collaborate with and see what comes up..


J - Do you have any song titles? or anything lined up now?

D - Ya on the website  there is 3 demos to download on there now.. there is one called "Faith", and another song called.. "I Didn't Think I Could".. a song for Kaleb, that's my son...see everything I write is a life experience, or whatever your doing at that moment.. there is another song on there called "Tyme", there is 3 demos on there that are things that we change, and there is 3 Bonham tracks on there also so people can get an idea..


J - How did you hook up with Stephen Pearcy and Top Fuel Records?

D - Stephen? Well we've been friends for years.. and years and years.. we always kept in contact.. he kept in contact, he would always phone.. I'd call home to where my mother was, that was sort of were anyone would find me where ever I was, we always kept in contact and we are actually going to do some writing, we are going to sit down together and write, we are trying to collaborate between Reality Management and Top Fuel Records.. for me its interesting and really cool.. cause I've always wanted to work with him before, he was touring.. and working on albums.. and ya its great, this tour we are going to be doing..


J - Ya I was just gonna say.. tell me about the Bastards of Metal tour?

D - Ya.. what do you think of that?


J - Well I think its great.. I'm a huge RATT fan.. seen Stephen like 36 times live, so to hear he's going to do a package tour, w/other great singers.. is awesome..

D - Ya its cool. I remember when we were recording our first album, in the studio, Motley Crue was next door.. and Stephen was always around.. he came to the album release party that we did, and it was great, because everyone was doing their thing and being successful at what they were doing but everyone was good friends.. lots of  times sitting around w/Nikki and Tommy.. and talk about lots of things.. or sometimes Vince.. I don't really know anyone else in RATT.. just me and Stephen seemed to really hit it off, and we stayed friends ever since, so its great to have the opportunity to work together, I'm interested as to what we are going to write.. him and I.. everyone backgrounds are different.. so you kinda mix it up and see what happens..


J - Do you guys have any times set yet..?

D - Well the album release date is March 2004.. I do know that.. between February March.. I have a video to do.., I'm leaving here the end of January to go to California to do the video.. the first video for the first song release, then I have to do the album there, w/the band and Stephen.. then Ian will be in to work w/us.. and also Steve L. too.. he is in Europe right now.. so it works out great, as far as the schedule goes, but as far as an actual day.. the album comes out.. I'm not sure, all I know is I'm the first artist on Top Fuel Records for the first quarter  in January.. hope that helps out.


J - How about some of the new bands out there? anyone your into.. and like?

D - I went to see Big Sugar with my brother, and that was cool.. thought they were great.. I like the White Stripes.. Audioslave, I'm a big Chris Cornell fan, I think he's great, I've followed him through Soundgarden and everything else.. I'm trying to think of some.. its funny I should be paying more attention to radio and stuff, but you get writing and kinda lose touch with what's going on.. after writing song after song after song.. then its like oh ya radio...its like where I wanna be.. hahaha.. but ya, White Stripes, and Audioslave, and I know its made up of members that have been around for a while.. I like what Metallica is doing, there isn't too much out there that I don't like, every now and then if I get a chance to see MTV or Much Music here.. all the stuff you see is really cool..


J - And how do you feel about all these 80's bands getting back together w/different members?

D - I think its awesome.. its funny how you get categorized..


J - Ya but that's how people remember it.. my site is pretty much a where are they now.. so everyone can find every member of every old band.. and what they are doing now.. I just went and saw Stryper the other night..and that was amazing..

D - Ya how are they doing?


J - The show was awesome.,.. they sounded better then they did 11 years ago.. and its a full 4 member reunion.. and I thought for sure Michael couldn't hit the notes he did years ago, and he sounded better then ever..

D - He came out with one of the other members of the group to one of our shows, and I thought that was great that they came out to see me play.. so its funny you brought them up, cause I've thought about them through the years.. you wonder what people are up to.. through the years you loose touch, but I think its great what you do, I've looked at the site, and I think its really cool that you can look up anything and find what they are up to.. well hats off to what your doing, I think its great, and there is nothing better then feeling as an artist, that people actually like what your doing and really behind and genuine about what your doing..


J - Well its fun for me cause I'm a fan.. not some critic that knows nothing about this music.. I've followed it all through the years.. so I know what all these guys sounded like and sound like now.. Anyway.. what website can people find you at?

D - It's REALITY MANAGEMENT and there is different bands on there, but I'm on there, and photos, and music, I gotta get my brother on there, cause nobody knows who he is, and I wanna really push him. but ya there is 3 demo tracks on there.. and you can post what you think.. which is really cool to me, that people actually come on there.. and they take the time to listen to what your doing, and they take the time to post about it. regardless of its good or bad, cause that determines what goes on the album.. and we are going to change them up, I'll be in the studio this Monday.. here in Canada, so ill have more stuff coming over... for the most part, this is a great thing, cause its a debut solo album for me.. ya know.. my name is on this.. I just at best, if people will give me the input of the songs.. that's why its demos, so people can tell me if it sucks.. or that's good.


J - How do you feel about file sharing and the whole mp3 thing?

D - I think the only time I didn't rip anything off what when I downloaded my own songs.. hahaha..I don't know, so far as to what I know w/Sony and w/law-suits.. and with everything else.. if it works like ASCAP.. we are notified about certain things, and I don't think it should be that big of a deal.. I think it can be monitored. its a tough thing, you want people to come out and see you.. but they had to of heard of you first, to see if your worthy of coming out to see...


J - Well that's about it, is there anything you would like to say to all your fans reading this?

D - Well probably for the most part.. they are probably thinking...its about time, and were have you been? But I gotta get out there, and get our faces out there, and for the most part I'm really looking forward to getting out there and playing for people, there is nothing better then when you work on a song and you get it to where its completed, and people come up to you, and tell you what THEY think, for me that's what its all about.. At the end of the day, you cant buy that, you can't buy that feeling you get when your up there playing.. it gets in your blood, and you try doing other things in your life.. but maybe your born into.. I have no idea.. its something I want to keep doing, and with good luck, and things going he way they are, and right now, I'm looking at the 2nd release.. talking about doing that, its kinda neat looking that far ahead...




MacMaster died from a Group A streptococcal infection, at Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre, on March 16, 2008.He was married and had two children, Kaleb and Aryanna.

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